name: inverse layout: true class: middle, inverse --- ####
CarpentryCon, Dublin 2018
#### Thor Wikfeldt (PDC Center for High Performance Computing, Stockholm) --- layout: false ## About the project - Started in September 2016 as project within **NeIC** - 2.5 FTEs spread around the Nordics - Second phase will start autumn 2018
## What we do - Develop lesson material on best practices and tools for sustainable scientific software development - Organize and deliver workshops around the Nordics - 11 regular 3-day workshops, over 250 participants - 5 other types of events (tutorials, discussion meetings) - Code repository hosting for Nordic research software coupled with a CI service for automated testing: []( --- # Inspired by Software Carpentry - Interactive, type-along lessons interspersed with exercises - Jekyll structure and browsing layout derived from work by SWC - Red and green stickies, feedback at end of each day - Under development: detailed instructor guidelines >
--- # What we teach *All* workshops include:
Automated testing
Code coverage analysis
Modular code development
Jupyter Notebooks
Tools for reproducible workflows
Software licensing
Some workshops include:
Integrated development environments
Also different from Software Carpentry:
We do not teach languages
Most participants already write scientific software
--- # Impact - Results from 3-6 month post-workshop survey
- Encouraging results! --- # What we have learned - There is a **huge** demand for intermediate/advanced training in scientific software development - 90% of learners want *more* exercises (but difficult tradeoff with the amount of material that can be covered) - Learners like collaborative exercises (pairs or groups) - Important to give learners time to experiment instead of rushing - Post-workshop survey works well and guides improvements of lessons - Motivated local contact person, and quality of lecture room, important for workshop success .center[
] --- # Future directions - Reach scale and sustainability - involve volunteer instructors - write best practice guides and demonstrate them in short screencasts - aim: reach sustainability after phase 2 concludes in 2021 - Closer collaboration with the Carpentries - coordinate workshops - define training levels - share instructors - contribute lessons to Software Carpentry ## **Invitation** CodeRefinery lesson material is open source (CC BY-SA 4.0) and can be used/improved by anyone - []( - All feedback highly welcome! -, @coderefine, --- # Acknowledgments
Radovan Bast, Tromsø, Norway
Bjørn Lindi, Trondheim, Norway
Sri Harsha Vathsavayi, CSC IT center for science, Finland
Sabry Razick, UiO University of Oslo, Norway
Jyry Suvilehto, CSC IT center for science, Finland
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