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## We train you in FAIR research software development [version: Aug 2024]
--- ### What is CodeRefinery? - A hub for FAIR research software practices - A project since 2016, currently funded by [NeIC]( - Training network - Reaching about [500 learners/year]( - Reusable [lesson materials]( - Community ### Relation to Research Software Engineering - We teach topics which are **helpful for researchers** and **essential for RSEs**. - [Nordic RSE]( colleagues hang out and discuss on the [CodeRefinery community chat]( .center[
] --- # [Available lesson materials]( .center[
All lessons are open source (CC-BY) and [recordings]( are available ] --- ## How YOU can participate
- [Join our next workshop]( - Tell others about it - Provide a local classroom or **join as observer** - Use our material and give feedback --- ## How your organization can participate .center[
] - [Join our next workshop]( - Tell your students and researchers about it - Provide a local classroom or **join as observer** - Use our material and give feedback --- # Join and/or stay up to date - **Chat with us**:
(community!) - Become a [CodeRefinery ambassador]( - [Onboarding manual]( - [Blog]( - [Newsletter and chat digest]( - [BlueSky]( - [LinkedIn]( - [Mastodon]( - Support e-mail: